Tuesday 29 July 2014

To Birmingham.

The purpose of our journey was to image abandoned streets.
To capture the unsettling silence of roads without cars.

We failed.
Instead of creating a sense of unease
We drove straight into it....

The journey begins half an hour before sun rise.
The engine of the motorbike purrs.

The second image was taken when we were midway on Mucklow's Hill, at the B+Q roundabout.

At first the image seemed so normal and ordinary
But as I kept looking I realised we were at the edge of a star-field.
As if stars grow on stalks
Distant street lamps.

Next location is beside Street Bike, at the top of Mucklow's Hill as we go into Quinton.

Now stopped at traffic lights.
The river of cars flow along the M5 as we wait for the traffic lights to change.

Onwards to Harborne.
Stopped beside the swimming baths.

Then we reach Birmingham.
Sea gulls and Broad Street.
People still hanging around besides the clubs.

Final image

Door open
No crew....